Privacy Policy

We ,at Data Secure Solutions private Limited,are committed towards respecting your privacy and recognize the need for appropriate protection and management of any personally identifiable information you share with us . This Privacy Policy describes how Data Secure Solutions collects.uses , discloses and may transfers personal information of users through its internal workflow applications . This policy applies to those who share their personal data with us through Mail or through our website and by any other communicating media . For the purposes of the Privacy Policy. “You” or “Your” shall mean the person who shares information with us by any other media

1) Who is responsible for your information ?

Data Secure Solutions Private Limited is responsible for your information which will be depending on your location

2) Information collected and retained by Data Secure Solutions

We collect information when you choose to give us. We do not modify or create such information but use only for the purpose of displaying such information “as is where is basis” for the purpose it is shared with us. it is the responsibility of the users to use and rely on the said information at their discretion

Referrals: We may collect personal information about others from you for instance , if you choose to use our service to share with a friend. we will ask you for your friend ‘s name and email address. We will automatically send your friend a one-time email inviting him or her to visit our web site or share details over email or any other media if he or she is interested. We temporarily store this information for the sole purpose of sending this one-time email

We do not collect sensitive personal data like financial information such as Bank account details, Credit Card or Debit Card details or other payment related details; physical and mental or other health conditions or medical records and history, biometric information such as fingerprints, voice and facial patterns and DNA any other sensitive information which is confidential or sensitive by its nature. We do not store information of users , like password of your email accounts

Personal Information: means any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person including common identifiers such as a name, an identification number , location data , an online identifier or one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological , genetic, mental economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person and any other information that is so categorized by applicable laws . We collect information about you and/or your usage to provide better services and offerings. The personal Information that we collect the following categories of personal information.

  • Name , Email , address, Country, City, Contact Number and Company /Organization that you are associated with , including name, contact details including email address and mobile number , when you decide to share this information with us or from the requirement query of your response to job application or we collect information from public portals where you  may be already registered such as publicly available job portals or advertisements
  • We may collect your personal information such as name, age , contact details, and preferences through call , Email, surveys, and forms , when you choose to participate in these .
  • We may also collect information relating to your caste and religion and information about whether you are eligible for any affirmative action programmes or policies if you opt to provide such information.
  • When you communicate with Data Secure Solutions through our website or any other media to communicate with our recruiters or partners.we collect information about your communicationand any information you choose to provide.
  • To the extent permitted by law , Data Secure Solutions may record and monitors your communications with us to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory obligations and Data Secure Solutions internal policies. This may include the recording of telephone conversations.
  • if you choose to connect / communicate through your social media account for our services. your consent to our collection , storage, and use, in accordance with this privacy policy,of the information that you make available to us through the social media interface. Please see your social media provider’s privacy policy and help centre for more information about how they share information when you choose to connect through your account

3) Why do we collect or may use your personal information

We will only use your personal data in a fair and reasonable manner for the purpose you have shared the information , and where we have a lawful reason to do so.

We may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • Providing services and solutions to you, including to send you new technology alerts, calender alerts , relevant search results, recommended jobs and/or candidates(as the case maybe ), and other social media communication facilities
  • Protecting our users and providing you with customer support .
  • Facilitate communication as part of requirement and technology solutions and support information sharing.
  • Improving the platform and its content to provide better features and services. 
  • Sending you information about our products and services for marketing purposes and promotions.
  • To the extent required for identity verification , government sanctionscreening and due diligence checks. Preventing , detecting , investigating, and taking action against crimes(including but not limited to fraud and other financial crimes), any other illegal activities, suspected fraud , or violations of Terms of Use in any jurisdiction.
  • Establishing , exercising , or defending legal rights in connection with legal proceedings (including any prospective legal proceedings) and seeking professional or legal advice in relation to such legal proceedings


4) The legal Basis on which Data Secure Solutions collects your personal data

Data Secure Solutions collects and processes your Personal Data based on different legal grounds , depending on the nature of the personal data being provided and the type of processing involved.

Consent: In certain limited situations , Data Secure Solutions relies on your consent to process your personal data. Where Data Secure Solutions requires your consent , we seek it at the time of provision,and the processing is only performed where consent is secured. for example , your consent will be sought in certain instances where you initiate a marketing message such as new technology Solutions with data secure solutions. You can withdraw your consent , or by sending an email to 

Legitimate Interest: A second ground relied upon by Data Secure Solutionsfor other types of processing for your personal data is that it is necessary for the purposes of legitimate interests pursued by Data Secure Solutions or an Employer . Examples of such legitimate interests will include where data secure solutions sends you marketing about our products and services , where we believe you have a reasonable expectation that we will perform a particular type of processing on your behalf, where such processing is strictly necessary for fraud detection and prevention, or where we share your personal data with Data Secure Solutions affiliates. Data Secure Solutions will only rely on such a ground where an assessment has been performed balancing the interests and rights involved and the necessity of the processing in order to provide our services , products and features to you.

Performance of a Contract: Some of the personal data processed by Data Secure Solutions is performed on the basis that is necessary for the performance of our agreement with you, or to take steps at the request of the user prior to entering such an agreement. An example of this would be where Data Secure Solutions sends a job seeker’s application to an Employer.

Compliance with a legal Obligation: Upon for certain types of processing is that it is necessary to allow Data Secure Solutions to comply with a legal obligation. An example of this would be where Data Secure Solutions is required to retain business records for fixed periods of time in order to comply with local legal requirements . Personal information is collected and processed by Data Secure Solutions based on the following legal grounds depending upon the nature of personal information and the purposes for which it is processed.

Information Sharing and Disclosure: We restrict access to your personal information to employees who we believe reasonably need to know/or that information to fulfil their jobs to provide, operate , develop , or improve our services.

Data Secure Solutions does not disclose , transfer or share your Personal Information with others except with:

  • Our associates and group companies to the extent required for our internal business and/or administrative purposes and /or general corporate operations and for the provision of services.
  • Potential Employer or recruiters if we determine that your resume matches a particular job description/vacancy available with such recruiters. By sharing this information, you agree that Data Secure Solutions may contact you or forward your information to third party like principle companies.
  • Third parties including enforcement, regulatory and judicial authorities, if we determine that disclosure of your personal information is required to:                           I.     Respond to subpoenas , court orders, or legal process , or to establish or excercise our legal rights or defend against legal claims;or.                                 II.    Investigate , prevent , or act regarding illegal activities , suspected fraud , situations involving potential threats to the physical safety of any                              person, violations of Global Hunt’s Terms of Use or as otherwise required by law.
  •  In the event of a merger, acquisition, financing, or sale of assets or any other situation involving the transfer of some or all of Data Secure Solutions’s  business assets we may disclose Personal information to those involved in the negotiation or transfer .
  • Third-party service providers and marketing partners that Data Secure Solutions engages to:

               a. Provide services over their platform on Data Secure Solutions’s behalf . Maintain the platform and mailing lists;or

               b. Communicate with you on Data Secure Solutions’s behalf about our recruitment services . Data Secure Solutions will take reasonable steps to ensure                      that these third-party service providers are obligated to protect your Personal information and are also subject to appropriate confidentiality /non-                            disclosure obligations.

  •  Data Secure Solutions does not intend to transfer personal information without your consent to third parties who are not bound to act on Data Secure Solutions’s behalf unless such transfer is legally required.
  • If your personal information is transferred outside India , we take the necessary steps to protect your personal information in accordance with applicable data protection laws.



5) Retention of Personal Information

Your personal information is stored with Data Secure Solutions until it is no longer necessary to provide our services or until you ask us to delete your personal data. We may also require to retain certain information in order to comply with certain local laws.At the explry of such periods , your personal information will be deleted or archived in compliance with applicable laws. If you wish to delete your personal data retained with us you can write to us on email id

6) Controlling your personal information

You have the right to invoke your rights which are available to data principals or data subjects(as per applicable laws and regulations) in relation to your personal information which is being processed by Data Secure Solutions.

For the exercise of certain rights, you may be required to approach the relevant authority/designated officer as per the provisions of the applicable data protection laws /Data Secure Solutions may in accordance with the provisions of applicable data protection laws, charge a fee for fulfilling your request , in particular in case of excessive or manifestly unfounded request. Further you acknowledge that the above mentioned rights are not absolute and are subject to limitations as per the applicable data protection laws

7) Confidentiality and Security

  • The security and confidentiality of your personal information is important to us and Data Secure Solutions have invested significant resources to protect the safekeeping and confidentiality of your personal data . When using external service providers acting as processors, we require that they adhere to the same standards as Data Secure Solutions does. Regardless of where your personal information is transferred or stored , we take all steps reasonably necessary to ensure that personal data is kept secure.
  • We seek to ensure compliance with the requirements of the information technology act, 2000,and the Rules made there under to ensure the protection and preservation of your privacy.We have physical , electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with the laws prevalent in india to protect your personal information, details of which are available with us. By accepting the terms of this privacy policy, you agree that the standards and practices being implemented by us, are reasonable and sufficient for the protection of your personal information.

8) Social media

Data Secure Solutions operates channels, pages , and accounts on some social media sites to inform,assist and engage with customers. Data Secure Solutions monitors and records comments and posts made on these channels about itself in order to improve its products and services.

Please note that you must not communicate the following information to Data Secure Solutions through such social media sites ; sensitive personal data including:

  • Special categories of personal data meaning any information revealing racial or ethnic origin, political opinions , religious or philosophical beliefs, or trade union memembership, and the processing of genetic data , biometric data for the purpose of uniquely identifying a natural person,data concerning health or data concerning a natural person’s sex life or sexual orientation and
  • Other sensitive personal data such as criminal convictions and offences and national identification number;Excessive, inappropriate , offensive , or defamatory content. Data Secure Solutions is not responsible for any information posted on those sites other than the information posted by its employees on its behalf . Data Secure Solutions is only responsible for its own use of the personal information received through such sites.

9) Changes to this Privacy Policy

Data Secure Solutions reserves the right to update, change or modify this Privacy Policy at any time. The privacy policy shall come to effect from the date of publication of such update,change or modification.


Data Secure Solutions does not store any account-related information or any credit/debit card details. Data Secure Solutions shall not be able liable for any loss or damage sustained by users as a result of any disclosure (inadvent or otherwise) of any information concerning the User’s account, credit cards, or debit cards in the course of any online transactions or payment made for any products and/or services offered through the platform.

In case any personal information is shared by you with Data Secure Solutions which is not requested by Data Secure Solutions during registration, (whether mandatorily or optionally) , Data Secure Solutions will not be liable for any information security breach or disclosure in relation to such information . 

If you have any questions regarding this privacy policy or the protection of your personal information , please contact Data Secure Solutions Data Protection officer /grievance officer at the folllowing.

Data Protection Officer

In case you have any complaints and/or grievances in relation to the processing of your personal information you can send your complaints via email to our grievance officer on

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